Field Day 2022 Report
The Tennessee Valley DX Association had a very successful and enjoyable Field Day. The club had three stations with one pretty much dedicated to digital, particularly FT4 and FT8 with over 400 contacts.
Our total for this year was slightly over 1900 contacts, over 200 more than last year. We managed to work 80 of the 84 ARRL sections and RAC. Some nineteen persons signed our roll including the Fire Chief and several visitors. A complete report of Field Day will be given at the next meeting.
A very special thank you to those who helped set up antennas on Friday evening and tear down on a very hot Sunday afternoon. We had several operators both Phone and CW, including a new member. While our goal is making as many contacts as we can, our ultimate goal is to involve as many members of our club as possible. If you were unable to attend, maybe next year. Our regular second Thursday meeting at Wally’s in East Ridge will be July 14. Put it on your calendar now and come join the fellowship.
Again, thank you to all who helped.