Field Day 2023 Report
Greetings, Survivors of Field Day 2023!
While reconciling the differences in the databases among the laptops we had in use during Field Day, I found 31 additional CW QSO’s that were logged on 80M on one computer and not reflected in any other database. I won’t tell you where I found them but they were among a bunch of FT8 QSO’s!
Anyway, here are the preliminary numbers by band and mode. We still managed to break 1,000 QSOs in spite of all the efforts of MURPHY to spoil our fun and discourage us. Field Day is still FUN!
More info later as I get stuff analyzed.
Band Mode QSOs Pts Pt/Q
3.5 CW 91 182 2.0
3.5 FT8 137 274 2.0
7 CW 211 422 2.0
7 FT4 1 2 2.0
7 FT8 86 172 2.0
7 LSB 58 58 1.0
14 CW 345 690 2.0
14 FT8 5 10 2.0
21 CW 62 124 2.0
21 FT8 28 56 2.0
21 USB 45 45 1.0
28 FT8 4 8 2.0
Total 1073 2043 1.9
73, Ted W4NZ